Austin Bible Church


Austin Bible Church is a golden lampstand planted by Jesus Christ to shine the light of the knowledge of God the Father in Austin, Texas. Through the delegated shepherd-teaching of His right-hand messenger, Jesus Christ stands in the midst of this lampstand and provides leadership in our worship of God the Father in spirit and in truth. The pastor and other teachers feed the flock with the whole counsel of God’s word, line upon line and precept upon precept. We study to show ourselves approved, accurately handling the word of truth 

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Teaching Schedule


9:30 am - Ephesians
11:00 am - Genesis
2:30 pm - Systematic Theology


10:00 am - Proverbs
7:30 pm - Ephesians

Prayer Meetings



8:30 am  - Morning Prayer Meeting 
9:00 am - Women’s Prayer Meeting 6:30 pm - Midweek Prayer Meeting 
